A (somewhat) honest look at what it's like to be a single, Christian woman in her mid 30s in Sydney who wants to remain true to the life that God has planned for her but doesn't want to let go of her dream of being in a relationship again and eventually being a wife and mother

Monday, 21 November 2011

The Last Post ( for now )

A year ago today I wrote my very first post on this blog. It was two days after my birthday and I was sad because despite having a lovely celebration the next day I spend the official evening by myself and blew out the candle on my cupcake on my lonesome. 

As I blew out that candle I sobbed to God that this be the year that I meet someone, that this time of singlehood would finally come to an end. 

And as you can tell if you've stuck around, it has not.

But it's ok because as you can also tell He has blessed me with different learning experiences, fun times, sad times, friendships, repairing of friendships and other 'drawing me closer to Him' times in the meantime. 

There have been potential Bachelors come and go and now I'm taking a rest from online dating and trusting Him and seeing what He can do. 

I've been working on getting my fitness and my body back and I've lost 10kg in the past 11 weeks. 

I have a peace that I can hardly describe because He keeps holding my hand and taking the root killer out and ripping out the root causes to my anxiety and perfectionism. 

He gave me an out with the job situation that was causing my life to become a tangled mess and brought out the insecurities in both myself an in other people. 

New friendships were made solid thought it all and old friendships were tested but have come out the otherside different but hopefully stronger. 

I'm content and stretched at the same time.

And ready for the next 365 days.

Just not sure how often I'll be blogging about it.  I promise I'll be back if anything exciting happens of if I start dating or if I meet someone but for now this blog is going to have a bit of a rest. 

Thank you so much for those of you that read this regularly, commented, ever commented, prayed or are just reading this now. I am always contactable via 365christianandsingle@gmail.com and I will be popping back and reading your blogs. 

A Time for Everything
 1 There is a time for everything, 
   and a season for every activity under the heavens:

 2 a time to be born and a time to die,
   a time to plant and a time to uproot,
 3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
   a time to tear down and a time to build,
 4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
   a time to mourn and a time to dance,
 5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
   a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
 6 a time to search and a time to give up,
   a time to keep and a time to throw away,
 7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
   a time to be silent and a time to speak,
 8 a time to love and a time to hate,
   a time for war and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3 1-8



  1. hey i like your blog. and we are pretty much on the same boat I guess. Pls write again.

  2. Just wanted to let you know that I've never stopped praying for you and will continue to do so. I also wanted to tell you what a blessing your blog has been, how it was a comfort knowing that there was another 30-something Christian woman out there trying to live an obedient life while waiting on God's perfect timing through it all. Your honesty and your heart are beautiful. And your writing, even during the difficult moments, was a source of inspiration. Thank you for baring your soul. Hold God's love close and never stop being the wonderful, unique woman He has made you to be.

  3. This blog is such an amazing way to catalog and journal a year of one's life and you have done so superbly. I'm so proud of you girly!

    From reading the lines and in betweens, it seems that you have learned a great deal and while I only joined you halfway thru, I'm so glad I did, for I have been greatly encouraged as well. It's tough being a single lady in our day and age, and while we will continue to have good days and not so good, keep remembering God has a perfect plan for your unique life. His timing is perfect. Thankfully :) I sure hope my mister comes around soon, but I encourage myself with the thought that God just wants a little more time alone with me. And that's ok. This life is a daily dying to our own self and desires when we take on the challenge of walking with the Lord. He never said it would be easy, but He did say it will be worth it. Every long, drawn out bit of it :)) ((Hey I believe there will be a certain kind of crown for us in Heaven who have trudged on through life as singles for this long!! LOL...I console myself with this...))

    Anyways, I do hope you continue to write as the inspiration hits. I have enjoyed reading your words, friend. Stay inspired. And encouraged. And don't give up hope. Ever. :))

    God Bless and speed you on in all He has for you.

    Jeanine :))

  4. Jeanine - I like that idea, a special crown for the single girls, but can it be a diamond tiara? lol

    Thanks Miss 365. What else can I say, others have said it all so I'll just add my own thanks for sharing your journey with us. You have been a great encouragement.

  5. Happy anniversary on your blog! God tests and stretches us in so many different ways. It's great that you are growing so much in God but better yet He will have even better plans for you in the future!



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