A (somewhat) honest look at what it's like to be a single, Christian woman in her mid 30s in Sydney who wants to remain true to the life that God has planned for her but doesn't want to let go of her dream of being in a relationship again and eventually being a wife and mother

Sunday 16 January 2011

-320 Bands with too many effects pedals & their consequences ( Friday 7th & Saturday 8th January 2011 )

Yep, regular readers ( all 3 of you - lol ! ) will know the meaning of the image to the left. 

Consequences of my big day yesterday ( -321 A really, really ridiculously good day ) and I would hazard a likely guess that what tipped me well and truly over the edge was the sheer volume of the support band last night at the the Cold War Kids gig meant that I was literally wiped out for two days with a migraine.

So not much to report. I slept a lot. I watched some dvds and browsed the web a bit. I don't think I spoke to another human directly during this time though. And I was annoyed that two of my precious holiday days were being taken up in Mirgraine Land. 

But I'm still glad I had Day -321. It was a really, really ridiculously good day ;)


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