One thing I love about having an iPad is being able to lie in bed of a morning ( particularly Saturday mornings ) and read my emails and check out Facebook before I even decide if it is indeed worth getting up. ;)
This morning I opened up my email and found that Miss Blase whose very cool blog I discovered yesterday had bestowed upon me the 7 Facts Award!
So here are Miss365's 7 Random Facts that may or may reveal my Bruce Wayne identity - depending on how well you know me that is! ;)
1. Up until the age of 24 1/2 the longest I was ever without a boyfriend was about a month. I still remember that being the longest month of my life. I have been single since April of 1999. Yep - no relationship since in the 90's.
2. I think I hit my peak in Kindergarten when I had two Year 2 boys give me gifts on alternate weeks until the end of Year 1. They moved on to Year 3 and changed sides of the school. I still remember some of the gifts - talcum powder, a cute little doll house furniture chest of drawers and the fizzy feeling in my stomach every week when I used to run home every Friday after school, close my bedroom door and open my gifts. I still remember those boys names. I should Facebook them. Lol.
3. While I love high end snooty person cheese I have a thing for McDonald's cheeseburger cheese and cheese in a can. Please don't judge me. ;)
4. I genuinely mourned when LOST aired its last episode last year. I watched every ep, read forums & theories, participated in some of the ARG's that popped up during the wait between seasons and every Christmas holidays started watching the series from beginning to end again. I was team Sawyer all the way ( but for me not for Kate! ) and was genuinely horrified to read that he and Juliet were going to hook up but fell in love with the two of them together. I still miss LOST ( and I think I just potentially outed myself on this one ! Lol ! Shhh if you know who I am ! )
5. Not proud of this by any stretch of the imagination but I find it amusing but pre Christian I was once so high that I spent 10 hours one night analyzing a Metallica documentary. Proof that drugs do nothing to enhance your life.
6. I recently found out that I have mild Sensorineural hearing loss in both ears and apparently it's congenital which means I was born with it. I could wear hearing aides in both ears if I wanted to. What is interesting is that I've never had issues with reading or schoolwork and I am a singer. I struggle with not going flat at times but the only thing I notice that I find somewhat difficult is with is trying to follow one person's voice in a conversation when there is a lot of background noise.
7. I am a perfectionist with the messiest flat in the world. I watch 'How Clean is Your House' and 'Hoarders' and literally thank God for making me an extrovert rather than an introvert because the only time my house gets thoroughly 'cleaned & scrubbed' rather than 'cleaned and tidied' is when I have someone coming over.
Ok. So there are my 7 Facts. And the rules are.....
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog - Yep. Thank you Miss Blase.
2. Post 7 random facts about yourself - done :)
3. Pass this award onto 15 worthy bloggers. There shall be a post coming soon. It may be one that add to bit by bit but I'll do it.
This was fun !